Christmas Street Giveaway!

Since 2017

Welcome to the joy of giving toys! 

Every year Santa's elves set up a table on a street in Eastway Sheffield neighborhood, Charlotte, NC with toys and bikes right before Christmas. Cars drive by, cars turn around, cars stop. And someone gets out, picks something out, puts it in their car, and drives off. Some people wrote heartfelt "thank you"s on the sign. 

This table of toys gives parents the opportunity to have gifts for their kids on Christmas morning. Anonymously. No judgement. Heck, take everything on the table if you want.

Santa's elves start collecting toys as soon as January. They have mainly toys that are educational, games to play with more than one person or sports equipment (soccer balls go quick!).

A huge thank you to Trips for Kids Charlotte for their support every year!

If you have any questions or want to drop off toys in person before the big day please reach out to: